Journal Tribute Ads and Listing Levels

The 13 categories below are the Hoshen (breastplate) and the 12 gemstones used to adorn it. The Hoshen was worn by the Kohen Gadol (High Priest), as mentioned in Shemot/Exodus 28:15-21. Each gem represents one of the 12 tribes of Israel, and together they symbolize communal strength, beauty, and unity.

חֹשֶׁן • Hoshen ($100,000)
full page, triple border

אֹדֶם • Carnelian ($72,000)
full page, double border

פִּטְדָה • Chrysolite ($54,000)
full page, single border

בָּרֶקֶת • Emerald ($36,000)
half page, triple border

נֹפֶך • Turquoise ($25,000)
half page, double border

סַפִּיר • Sapphire ($18,000)
half page, single border

יָהֲלֹֽם • Amethyst ($10,000)
quarter page, with border

לֶשֶׁם • Jacinth ($5,000)
quarter page, no border

שְׁבו • Agate ($3,600)
1/6 page, no border

אַחְלָֽמָה • Crystal ($1,800)
1/8 page, no border

תַּרְשִׁיש • Beryl ($1,000)
180 characters

שֹׁהַם • Lapis ($500)
80 characters

יָשְׁפֵה • Jasper ($180)