Joel Citron (served 2011-2015)
“If we're able to…teach the next couple of generations, then hopefully the values and the enthusiasm and the pride of these individuals will generate…good people who can make a difference… . And we can educate several thousand over the next 40 years… . There will be, I'm sure, …extraordinary people who will have an impact on what lies ahead here in New York and in the United States and hopefully the world. Institutionally, I think Heschel's people have worked hard, but we've also been lucky. We've been lucky to have extraordinary [school leaders] and lay leaders, …and we have extraordinary faculty members and staff. And timing is also part of that luck. [When we toured Heschel], after the tour, Ulrika said to me, ‘well, that's it. We're sending our kids here!’ So that was it. Both Ulrika and I stayed involved for many years.”