Terry Krulwich (served 1996-2000)

“I've known Terry for a long time…She's a scientist, and…she was revered in her professional life…and she was an ace  Torah reader. Amazing! She could read the longest Torah portion without an error. And she enjoyed it so much. I know that her love of the Heschel school was so deep, …and I think some of her love of this place is just such a deep love of egalitarian Jewish spaces. As a very competent, smart woman, knowing that there was room here for girls and young women to be themselves, to be full participants in the school, was hugely important.  I also think it reflected her sense of what Jewish education should be. And she was the person under whose leadership we embarked on this first growth spurt, the first part of what was a really ambitious (and actually, if you think about it, totally crazy) idea of building a high school division in Manhattan… .  It took huge courage.  And she had it.”  (Alisa Doctoroff, November 21, 2022)


Virginia Bayer (served 1993-1996)


Shira Nadich Levin (served 2000-2003)